Spayathon for Puerto Rico Round 5 - 6 Days.
864 surgeries performed in Humacao.

Round 5 of The Spayathon for Puerto Rico has been completed! From November 2-7, The Sato Project team returned to the Humacao Coliseum, the same location we ran a clinic in May during Round 4.
There is still a very strong need and demand for spay/neuter services in Humacao and the surrounding communities. Like all previous rounds, we reached our full capacity every day and arrived to a long line of pets already waiting for us every morning. As our team was packing up to go home at the end of a very long Day 1 last week, we looked out the front gate around 9:30pm to see people already lining up. They brought chairs, blankets, and coolers and had settled themselves in to camp out until the next morning when we would open our doors at 6am. That is how much people still want access to these services. They are willing to camp out all night and all day to help their pet access vital veterinary care.
By the end of the week, our clinic with our veterinary partner Helping Paws Across Borders had treated 865 animals in only 6 days. This brought our total number of animals reached through all rounds of this initiative to 5,002. The island-wide 28-member Spayathon Coalition has now reached 43,195 dogs and cats.
This is truly a dream come true for us and for all of Puerto Rico. Together, we have prevented untold millions of lives from being born in unwanted circumstances and from ever knowing a life of suffering. One lesson we keep learning round after round is that the people of this island do want to change the circumstances for the thousands of suffering animals. And we are honored that we can help bring this change, through the 5,000 animals we have already reached and the thousands more yet to come.
The Sato Project's efforts in this initiative would not be possible without our community of supporters and the hard work of our dedicated volunteers. Thank you for helping us make history and bring systemic change to the animals and people of Puerto Rico.
Meet some of the people and pets who came to Round 5 in Humacao by clicking on the images below and reading their stories.